The game doesn’t have many rooms and clutter. Everything was designed in a low-key style to make the interface as easy and quick to understand as possible. The main character is located on the main screen. The player can personalize their cat, dressing him in clothes, arranging different furniture and even decorations. The game provides a store with different add-ons: codes and the information about the player’s balance.
Promoting products and enhancing brand reputation through game.

Home Screen
The game doesn’t have many rooms and clutter. Everything was designed in a low-key style to make the interface as easy and quick to understand as possible. The main character is located on the main screen. The player can personalize their cat, dressing him in clothes, arranging different furniture and even decorations. The game provides a store with different add-ons: codes and the information about the player’s balance.

It is possible to receive nice bonuses in the special section using codes. By purchasing the brand’s products, each customer receives a certain code. The sequence of letters and numbers should be entered in the game. Users can get different bonuses (clothes for the character, decorations for the room and even furniture for the comfort of their kitty) for free in the game in a specific section. The code-entry function is made as simple as possible, and it does not require too much time. Additional items will be added in the future to the application.

Here we have shown what it looks like to receive an item after entering the code received when purchasing a brand-name product. All this is accompanied not only by a bright picture, but also by a pleasant celebration melody. The player will be able to use immediately the received item. For example, hang it on a neutral background if it’s a picture or dress up their cat in a new outfit if they win clothes.
The store’s interface is structured as simple as possible. There are many sections in the store, including room decorations (different furniture), pictures, clothes, and accessories for the cat. Furniture and accessories can be bought for in-game currency.
The question immediately arises: how to get these virtual coins? To do this, it is enough to periodically enter into the game and take care of the pet. For example, you will get coins if you feed your cat with goodies.
By the way, every item obtained or bought for coins can be immediately used. All additions are automatically displayed in the room or on the character.

Game mechanic
The game screen has 4 icons that display specific actions. It is possible to feed the cat, play with him, take him to the toilet or put him to bed. When the icon is filled to more than 25%, you can activate the animation. In this way, the player can watch the cat eat or perform any other action.
Exclamation marks may appear above the action pictures. They signal that the kitty needs your help. At the same time the actions are performed at different speeds. By the way, after completing tasks there is the opportunity to perform some additional actions.

At this stage, the players choose what the cat should do next. For example, after using the toilet, you need to wash your hands and dry them. The player can also choose to "Leave". Each animation has its own answers. The more correct answer the player chooses, the more coins will be received as a reward.

Отзыв клиента
Специалисты с многолетним опытом и надежные партнеры - так я могу охарактеризовать Sparkle Design. Благодаря совместной работе наших менеджеров и команды Sparkle мы получили веб-сайт с современным, динамичным дизайном и user-friendly интерфейсом. Он позволяет нам просто и доступно рассказывать о работе нашего маркетинг-агентства, делиться клиентскими отзывами. Мы довольны результатом и смело рекомендуем команду Sparkle Design для решения задач по созданию сайтов.